If you’ve pre-ordered “Live in Paris,” you may have already gotten your digital download of the audio. Unfortunately, we will have to wait a little longer for the DVD. BRMC sent this update on Thursday with a mention on how Leah is doing:
Hey, we wanted to give everyone a quick update on the Live In Paris DVD.
So last month, when we first received the Master Copy of the DVD to approve, we noticed this strange little digital glitch in the audio (it wasn’t anything too serious, but it was like nails on a chalkboard to us). I guess the good news is that we caught the problem in time, and it has since been fixed. The bad news is that it has caused the release date to be pushed back about a month. It was a hard to call to make, but we didn’t feel right shipping the DVD out like that.
In the meantime, we want to apologize to you by sending you a link where you can immediately download mp3’s of ALL of the songs on the album.
In other news, we’ve begun rehearsing again with Leah (post surgery) and she is beating the living hell out of the drums again. She still needs to take it easy for the next couple weeks though and not hammer a hole through her snare drum, but so far all signs seem to be pointing towards a fairly strong recovery.
The bionic girl returns +
You will be receiving information from Firebrand with a link to download the MP3s.